Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Getting out of the Kitchen

Every now and then...I get out of the kitchen. This weekend I thought I'd take a look at a couple of things I'd never seen before even though they're practically in the backyard.

The first series of photos were taken at Canyon Falls. Over the years I've neglected walking in on this little gift because the trail begins at a rest stop off of U.S. 41 just south of L'anse. Yea, a rest stop. Who would have thought this treasure was just off the roadway!

Rock outcroppings competed with the falls as to which was more eye-catching. Teenagers were diving into a section of the falls! We just stood and watched for a while as they struggled (yes, struggled) against the current to get to the other side. I'm sure their mothers all knew what they were up to that day.

The next photos were taken at Sturgeon Falls near Silver Mountain. Located on the same river as Canyon Falls (the Sturgeon), these falls are sometimes referred to being located in Michigan's Grand Canyon because of the depth of the gorge they're located in.

Walking into the location is pretty easy...all downhill and a quick trip. That means that it's all uphill on the way back. Not to really is a quick trip and well worth it.

Interesting features to both locations...rock outcroppings are different...trees and undergrowth are different...but the locations are fairly close to each other. These pictures were taken in the midst of a fairly dry summer. I look forward to seeing these falls again next spring!

All in all, an easy adventure worthy of an afternoon.

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